Saturday, October 3, 2009

We have been apeasing the colectavists for years. They keep taking. We keep stepping back. They ask for a foot and in the name of working together we give them an inch. We compramise again and we slide closer to tyrany.

We need to ask for a yards and make them give up feet. We need them to compromise and let our nation slide closer to liberty.

Who is the man who will stand on top ogf the hill and shout "Liberty. Liberty. Cut the power and size of the Federal Government in half."

Men and women go to Washington (at our request)and they only take from us. They don't go to serve. They will only pass laws that create programs that we have to fund. We work and and they skim off more of our paychecks. They only enslave.

The back of the Federal Government has to be broken. I have two ideas.

1. Stop sending them money. No money no power.

2. Pitition the states that we live in. If our state governments won't intercede, then we cut off their funding to.

How do we keep the "entitlement crowd" from voting away our freedoms?

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