Monday, July 27, 2009

Great web site.

Here is information on our constitution. It seems that I wasn't taught about our founding in its true light.

Do you support him or her for office?

Kent McManigal said...

If anyone still believes Republicans are pro-gun, just ask them the "X-ray question": "Do you support the absolute human right of every person to own and to carry, everywhere they go, in any way they see fit, whatever type of firearm they wish without asking permission of anyone, ever?" Hesitation or avoidance of an honest answer will tell you all you ever need to know about the person.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Raise your right hand

Oath keepers.

For all you military and law enforcement types: In a SHTF scenario there are going to be "men in uniform" who turn against us. Their paychecks and retirement funds are more important that the lives and liberties of the citizen that they are supposed to serve.